The 7 Stages of Marriage and How to Make Them a Success

The 7 Stages of Marriage and How to Make Them a Success

Table of Contents

Marriage is a fairytale that we all know and love – woven of love, trust, and commitment. But if we look a little closer, what truly defines marriage isn’t just romance or a happily ever after – it’s the journey. From the honeymoon stage to the mundane realities of making a life together, marriage is made up of seven distinct stages. Each one comes with its own unique set of challenges and opportunities for growth, but if you can learn how to navigate them all, your marriage will be stronger than ever. In this article, we’ll discuss the 7 stages of marriage and provide tips on how to make each one a success. Read on to find out more!

What Are the 7 Stages of Marriage?

Stage 1: The Honeymoon Stage

The first stage of marriage is often referred to as the “honeymoon phase,” and it’s easy to understand why. This phase is marked by intense feelings of love, admiration, and happiness. The two of you can’t get enough of each other and are in a seemingly constant state of bliss. You feel like you’ve hit the jackpot!

Stage 2: The Realization Stage

As long as the honeymoon phase lasts and brings with it a sense of excitement and newness, the realization phase is when the both of you start to get more comfortable in your marriage. The two of you have become more familiar with each other, and the feeling of “Oh I am married” starts to settle in. This stage is when reality sets in, and you can no longer just ignore the realities of married life. 

Whether it’s financial issues, disagreements on parenting styles, or anything in between – this is the stage where the two of you have to start dealing with these subjects head-on.

Stage 3: The Conflict Stage

The third stage is the conflict phase, and this is when things can start to get a little bumpy. Arguments and disagreements are inevitable in any marriage, but it’s important to recognize when your conversations have gone from constructive to destructive. This is the stage where you’ll learn how to fight fair and resolve conflicts without resorting to name-calling or ultimatums. 

You may even learn that some disagreements never get resolved, but you can still find a way to live in harmony. Remember that if you are able to navigate this phase successfully, you’ll come out stronger and more connected than ever.

Stage 4: The Working Stage

Many couples experience the fourth stage of marriage, the working phase, in different ways. This is when you both decide to work together as a team on all aspects of your marriage, from financial planning to raising children. It is also the stage where you will work on developing your communication skills and learning how to compromise. It’s important to remember that even if things don’t always go as planned, the two of you can still learn how to work together and make the most of every situation.

Apart from this, it is also the stage of significant life transitions like having a baby, starting a new career, or buying a new house. As long as you’re both working together to make these decisions, you’ll be able to manage each transition with ease.

Stage 5: The Connection Stage

A relationship is only as strong as the connection between two people, and the fifth stage of marriage is all about building that bond. This is the stage when your children have become more independent, your careers have taken off, and you’re no longer in the thick of raising a family or dealing with other major life changes. This is the time to focus on strengthening your intimate relationship and building a deeper connection than ever before.

Think about all the things you two have been through together – the life experiences you’ve shared and built together. This is the stage to take a moment to reflect on all of that and remember why you fell in love in the first place. Sexual intimacy will also change as you both become more comfortable with each other. In this stage, you might want to add more fantasy play and toys to spruce up your love life.

Stage 6: The Explosion Stage

The sixth stage of marriage is one that many couples dread. This is the period of time when all the suppressed feelings, frustrations, and resentments come to the surface. It is usually caused by a major life transition, such as an illness or job loss, that causes disruption in your everyday life. During this time, communication and understanding are even more critical than ever before as you both try to navigate the new situation together.

In this phase, many couples find themselves arguing more often than not, which may even lead to the thought of a divorce. Monotony and dissatisfaction may arise, and one of the partners might be tempted to seek a new love. Unethical ways of fulfilling sexual needs could also lead to separation. But this is the time for you to stick together and work through your differences.

Stage 7: The Fulfillment Stage

Till death do us part” is the phrase that sums up this stage perfectly. This is the time when both of you can look back on your marriage and appreciate all that you have accomplished together. The vows you made to each other many years ago now come alive with more meaning and purpose. You can look back on all the tough times and smile, knowing that you were able to overcome them together and become stronger in the process.

This is the stage of true fulfillment. The two of you will have grown closer than ever before, and each moment together is filled with love, gratitude, and joy. From here, your marriage will only get stronger with each passing year. This is the time to take stock of all that you have worked for and enjoy the beauty of your marriage.

How to Survive the 7 Stages of Marriage?

Marriage is a roller coaster ride that will take you through a myriad of different stages. It is important to remember that all marriages go through these phases, and there’s always light at the end of the tunnel. The key is to remember that your marriage is a journey, and you can survive it together if you both strive for understanding, communication, and respect.

Communication is essential in a healthy marriage – talk about your feelings openly and honestly with each other. Take the time to listen to one another and try to understand each other’s perspective. Respect one another’s opinions be open-minded and understanding of each other even when you don’t agree. Compromising is key – it allows both parties to come out with a win-win solution.

Finally, don’t forget to take time for yourselves and nurture your relationship outside of the home. Have date nights, go on vacations, and take the time to get to know each other on a deeper level. Remember that the more effort you put into your marriage, the stronger it will be. It’s all worth it at the end when you can look back and be proud of the marriage that you worked hard to build together.

The Bottom Line

No marriage is perfect, but with understanding and hard work, you can make it through all 7 stages of marriage. We hope this article has provided you with some insight into how to successfully navigate each stage of marriage and come out stronger in the end. Just remember to open up communication and work together as a team, and you’ll have a successful marriage that can stand the test of time. Every marriage is unique, so the key is to find what works for you and your partner to make the most of your journey together.